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This wednesday, we can change vouchers of in total 500€ for cash.
At the moments, we have following vouchers for people to buy:
– Lidl: 0
– Rewe: 0
– Edeka: 0
– Penny: 0
– Kaufland: 0
– Aldi: 0
– Netto: 0
In April 2024, the german state decided to introduce the payment card for refugees. By this refugees are forced, instead of being able to use cash or bank accounts, to use this for paying. This is a restricting and controlling policy that we want to act up against.
A direct form of showing solidarity is the concept of voucher exchange. This means, that people with payment cards buy vouchers from grocery stores and sell them to people who do not have them. This way, the people being forced to use payment cards can get more cash and are more free on how to spend their money.
You can find more infos about the payment card on https://nein-zur-bezahlkarte.de/en/.
Our Küfa that takes place every Wednesday from 20:00 in Rigaer Straße 94 (ring at ‘Kadterschmiede to enter) is a payment card exchange station. You are welcome to come here and either buy or sell vouchers. Below, there is a list that is updated weekly to show how many vouchers. and how much cash is available
From each person who brings vouchers, we only take up to 150€ worth of vouchers. Please bring the receipt of the voucher as well, as we need to check the voucher for functionality. This, we do not do out of mistrust to you, but it can happen that stores sell malfunctioning vouchers.
We only accept vouchers of following stores, and only in worth of up to 50€ per voucher.
– Lidl, Rewe, Edeka, Penny, Kaufland, Aldi, Netto